Monday, July 2, 2012

Women's Self Defense - Campus Safe Walk

 In July and August, I expect the annual calls from parents seeking self-defense training for their campus bound daughters.  All parents know that feeling in the pit of their stomachs when their child heads out alone and out of their protection. These young women, maybe for the first time in their lives, will be leaving home and traveling to campuses all over the country. Along with all the excitement, anticipation, and preparation for college life also comes the fear and uncertainty that many parents feel when their child leaves the nest.  They realize with all the safety and mental preparation they have provided throughout her life, the one thing that hadn't occurred to them until now is her ability to protect herself - physically.   Her personal safety, her survival hits them squarely between the eyes.

     So I developed Campus Safe Walk, a women's self defense program with the co-ed* in mind. The program offers classes during July and August. Self-defense is no easy matter.  But a woman finds herself in a survival situation then it makes sense to understand what it means and what it takes to defend oneself. 

     So daughters, when mom and dad make up their minds and say, "You're learning self-defense!" don't sigh and tell them not to worry, because they will.  You may be ready to be in charge of your own destiny deciding, how, what and when.  But most parents are woefully unprepared.  Mentally they just can't handle the thought of their princess out there walking in the woods full of wolves.  Give them a break, they are very vulnerable right now. Besides, it's actually a very good idea. 

Safety and Self-Defense
     Safety is a mental process.  Preventative in nature, thinking about safety and becoming aware is the first step. We touch on a variety of topics from safety on the campus, dorm life, drugs and date rape.  What a girl learns about stranger safety in her youth holds doubly true as a co-ed, I'm counting those acquaintances too.

     Self-defense is the physical process.  To make an informed decision on whether to fight or flight, always caution on the side of flight if it is available. But if you feel you must fight, then it makes common sense to know what it takes to fend off an attack. Survival is about weighing all your options and choosing the right course of action for your personal protection. 

    Let's be realistic. Waiting to the eleventh hour to learn self-defense is not the best case scenario. Parents want their anxiety quieted and ask for a program that will make their daughters butt-kickers in "just three easy lessons."  Proficiency happens with training. One mother informed her daughter she had to take the course five times before she would even let her date. That's commitment to safety and self-defense. 

    What will happen is your daughters will attain information and new knowledge, acquired some skill and if I have my way retain those skills. But most importantly they will THINK about safety and survival. Prevention will become their key.  It is hard to predict how a person will react when confronted by danger. But after the course, they will understand what it takes to fight for their choices, their freedom, and their lives.  And that is a good start. 
     Campus Safe Walk  is a very flexible program since the ladies can choose to attend any date that is available. Want to go once a week for three weeks, I can do that.  Want to go twice a week for two weeks, I'll do it.  Do you only have time to come to the two and half hour kick off class?We have it for you. The classes are energetic, challenging, empowering, nurturing, guiding you along, very physical and we must, of course, have a really good time.

   * The classes are open to any woman interested in learning self-defense skills.   Check upcoming events at the top of the page.

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